We had a pretty lazy weekend. Joe got a cold and has been stuffy since Thursday, so I have been making him keep his distance in hopes that I will remain healthy. So far, so good. Joe went in on Saturday and I spent a lot of the day sleeping and laying around because I have been exhausted. I don't know if I am exhausted because I keep getting woken up at 3:30am by Joe's alarm to get up for work or if it is pregnancy related (or a little of both). I feel pretty good now, so I guess that's good. The baby has a routine of kicking and moving around right after I wake up and use the bathroom, which makes it difficult to fall back to sleep. Joe's new favorite game is kissing my belly and having the baby kick his lips as he kisses me, it's pretty amusing (we are pretty lame).
We ran some errands today and Joe got his hair cut for Hawaii. We are pretty pumped to leave on Saturday! We both need a break from the cold and a chance to relax and get some new experiences outside of Iowa. I bought a bunch of spring clothes for the Hawaiian weather and am excited to wear them! We have a Luau all set-up for one of the nights we are there, so that should be really fun. We'll post updates along the way.
Here are a couple pictures of my belly at 23 1/2 weeks: