This year we had to go trick or treating without daddy again. I guess we have to just get used to the fact that holidays may be without daddy for the next 5 years during his residency. We enjoyed ourselves and did have some time with daddy before he had to work at 3 which was great. Hannah was a monkey (well really she is a monkey with the way she climbs and eats bananas, which is how I decided what she should dress up as). We carved a pumpkin, ate jack-o-lantern pizza and went to half a dozen houses for trick or treating. It was lots of fun and here are a few pics from our day!
Stuffing her face with banana
Helping mommy with the pumpkin guts Dressed up as a monkey
So Hannah is a little into Shoes, or 'Oosh'as she calls them lately. It is pretty cute and she has a pair of pink crocs that she has bathed with and slept with them on. It is pretty cute and she always puts them on the wrong feet, so adorable and predictable.
I know I have been really bad at updating this, but here are some pics from the last month or so.