Saturday, June 23, 2012

A look back...Colorado in May

We took a trip to Colorado in mid May to celebrate Great-Grandma Dorothy's (or Dorfy as Hannah calls her :)) 95th Birthday. We had a fabulous time and Abby enjoyed her first plane ride, despite the 30-40 minutes we spent waiting on a mechanical problem before we were able to take off. We took a day trip up to Breckenridge and found snow! Hannah loved the snow and kept throwing little snowballs into the creek. We even scored a couple deals from some ski shops on apparel for next year as the shops were closed and very quiet for 'mud season.' Here are some pics from our trip to Colorado.

Hannah enjoying the ice cream
Daddy holding Abby with Dot
Carole and Abby
Hannah decorated a sign for Dot's b-day

It was a full room of people there to celebrate!

Singing songs with Mary Ann
Tickling Abby's toes most likely...

Grandma and her granddaughters
4 Generations of Zabells

Abby did a great job in the van up into the mountains

Mary Ann and Carole in some nice hats...

Mommy and Abby enjoying Breckenridge

The Zabells family pic in Breck

Daddy and Hanny on the bridge over the creek in Breck
She looks a little mischievous here...loved the snow!

Hannah loved playing in the sand and on the slide

Throwing the snow over the bridge into the creek down below